As a leading provider of innovative information technology (IT) solutions serving corporate and public-sector customers, Xiologix provides technology solutions – including hardware, software, and services – to help customers resolve their most complicated IT needs. One of the ways that we do this is through a commitment to be vendor agnostic to ensure that we do what is “right” for our clients. Doing what is right is a core value here at Xiologix and is one of the main reasons that we attract and retain employees who are not only carrying out what is right through our corporate actions, but in our communities through volunteerism as well. Bottom line, our employees care.

In communities throughout the western states, Xiologix employees give generously of their time and talent to the causes that matter most to them as individuals. Below is just a sampling of the many ways our employees are working toward positive change.



Senior Systems Engineer, Abe Covello, completed the Companion Rescue course up at Mt. Hood which included structured rescue scenarios in companion rescue, scene assessment, beacon use,  probing, recovery of victims not wearing beacons, common mistakes in avalanche rescue, single and multiple beacon search techniques, and first aid and emergency response in avalanche rescues

This is another example of how Xiologix employees care.   We are proud of our employees’ continued involvement in their local communities.


Xiologix teamed up with Team Planet X USA to Pay it Forward Holiday Style in support of a local family with a family member receiving care at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. On Saturday, 12/23, Xiologix joined Team Planet X USA in the delivery of gifts and more importantly in a demonstration of care and support. We would like to thank each of our employees and Team Planet X USA once again for getting out there in their communities and making a difference.




The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is a way for people from all walks of life to learn valuable basic skills used during disaster response. Some of the skills include things such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. By using the training learned through CERT training, new members can assist others in their neighborhoods or workplace when professional responders are not immediately available to help.

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Cascadia Rising

Cascadia Rising 2016 Exercise

A 9.0 magnitude earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) and the resulting tsunami is the most complex disaster scenario that emergency management and public safety officials in the Pacific Northwest could face. Cascadia Rising is an exercise to address that disaster.

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CA TuPDTualatin Police Department – Citizen’s Academy

Program gives valuable members of our city the opportunity to take an in-depth tour of our facility, learn the functions of the various members of the police department, take part in defensive tactics exercises and confrontational scenarios, learn emergency vehicle driving, and safely shoot police firearms.

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 We WinOHSU Foundation

When healing, teaching, discovery and outreach come together at OHSU, magic happens. This powerful combination fuels breakthroughs and life-saving advancements – and makes life better for people across our region and far beyond.

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 fpcaresFastpitch Cares

Kids helping kids is at the heart of Fastpitch Cares.  Fastpitch Cares is a community based nonprofit organization organized exclusively for charitable purposes.

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Cascadia Rising


Doernbecher Children’s Hospital

Fastpitch Cares

Hazelbrook Middle School

OHSU Foundation

Oregon Thunder Fastpitch

Polar Bear Plunge

Puget Sound All Girls Film Networking Event

Renegades Fastpitch

Stand up Tualatin

Tigard High School

Tualatin High School 

Tualatin Police Department – Citizens Academy

Tualatin School House Pantry