As the major security breaches of late 2014 and early 2015 have indicated, we have arrived at a global cybersecurity tipping point. The existing approaches to cyber security, such as relying on perimeter firewalls for adequate network defense, is no longer sufficient for network and cloud computing protection. Those who don’t change their game are left vulnerable. As a first step, review your cybersecurity approach to determine whether you are practicing security theater or real security.

Are you practicing security theater?

You know security theater when you see it in the real world, whether at an office front desk or in the airport security line. From countless checks to fancy equipment, all the actions barely obscure the fact that those doing the policing are not really responding to the threat.

Might you accidentally be replicating this flawed approach in your cybersecurity?

If your organization is:

  • logging information without knowing why you are collecting it or what it can tell you,
  • rigorously policing perimeter traffic up until the moment it enters the network, then assuming safety once inside,
  • safeguarding network assets while dragging your feet on protecting user devices or vendor technology,
  • protecting the perimeter, but not the cloud,
  • or pretending the only threats to your network come from outside the network – ignoring the threat from within,

… then you may be practicing security theater.

Smart cyber security measures offer total end to end protection so that your network is armed with best practices against the threat of a data breach.

Real Security vs. Security Theater

Real cybersecurity applies measured protection to known areas of risk. It includes a risk analysis of your organization and rests on the assumption that no two organizations have the same risk and thus the same needs. By eschewing a one-size-fits-all approach and applying protection where you are most vulnerable, true security protects you against risks using the latest generation of network security.
Security theater focuses on presenting the appearance of great security, while not matching up security measures to areas of risk. As a result, it can mean that your business is locked into inferior technology tools that do not protect against vulnerabilities. To leave security theater behind, you need to commit to rigorous analysis to understand your risk and mitigate the threats that exist in your network.

Real Network Security Expertise

Xiologix is an experienced systems integrator who can help you to protect your organization’s assets at the level they deserve.  Xiologix partners with top-tier technology companies, like Fortinet, to develop and implement network security solutions that will match your unique organizational needs.  Xiologix subject matter experts deliver innovative cyber security solutions that will offer end to end protection for your organization.