We are honored to announce that our very own Xiologix CTO, Christopher Kusek, has once again earned membership as an EMC-Elect for 2016! EMC Elect is an annual recognition for people who have given back to the community of EMC users by sharing their technical expertise and evangelizing to others about EMC solutions and services.  The program has been in existence for three years and Christopher has earned this prestigious recognition each year since the program’s inception.

Characteristics of an outstanding EMC Elect candidate include:

  • Engagement – Members are those engaging here on the ECN, on TwitterFacebookLinkedIn and in person at events.
  • Commitment – Being a part of the EMC conversation day in and day out, offering thoughtful feedback and staying optimistic in your language.
  • Leadership – The kind of people who take every opportunity to engage with their peers and represent others as part of the community.

There are only 71 EMC Elect worldwide and we are proud that one of our own earned this honor. Congratulations Christopher!