Xiologix is proud to announce that two of our employees recently completed the Tualatin CERT Training Program. Account Executive Cathy Wurgler and Marketing Manager Dawn Woodward both dedicated over 24 hours as part of the nine week training program designed to help our neighborhoods and workplaces when professional responders are not immediately available to help. The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is a way for people from all walks of life to learn valuable basic skills used during disaster response. Some of the skills include things such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. This is just another example of how Xiologix employees care. Cathy and Dawn spent four hours out in the driving rain to complete their final this past Saturday out at TVF&R. They put out fires, cribbed and did search and rescue training.
FEMA’s CERT volunteers are trained to respond safely, responsibly, and effectively to emergency situations, but they can also support their communities during non-emergency events as well. There are over 2,700 local CERT programs nationwide, with more than 600,000 individuals trained since CERT became a national program.
To learn more about the CERT Program, please visit: https://www.ready.gov/community-emergency-response-team