How E-Rate is Connecting Students to the Internet

How E-Rate is Connecting Students to the Internet

E-Rate Survey Extreme Networks conducted a survey of K-12 IT Managers and Educators seeking to learn about their knowledge and use of E-rate.  Not surprisingly, the survey found that lack of awareness is the biggest reason that school districts did not take advantage...

Why Hackers Hack

WHY HACKERS HACK One does not need to look very hard for news of recent cyber attacks. As 2017 numbers come into focus, the problem is continuing to grow.  According to the ITRC Breach Report 2017 breaches increased at about 21% over 2016.   Most of the breaches fell...

National Health IT Week – 2017

Xiologix is a Proud Partner in National Health IT Week This October, Xiologix — as a partner in the advancement of health information technology to help improve healthcare —is a Proud Partner in National Health IT Week.  NHITWeek is an awareness week offering all...