CXIParty 2016!

CXIParty 2016!

We are proud to have been a sponsor for the 2016 #CXIPARTY! Rule #1 at the party was to make at least 5 new friends. We can say that we proudly far exceeded this requirement! It was a great night getting to know so many people from the IT community meeting up in Las...
Students, Laptops, Phones and Tablets…Oh My!

Students, Laptops, Phones and Tablets…Oh My!

As kids head back to school, hackers are already brushing up on how to steal data. What can be done to secure data at schools around the country? Get schooled in cybersecurity, according to researchers at Plante Moran. As kids head back to school, hackers are already...
Labor Day Tribute To Cybersecurity Professionals

Labor Day Tribute To Cybersecurity Professionals

Most people think about cybersecurity only when something goes wrong. But for cybersecurity professionals on the front line, it’s always top-of-mind. With Labor Day around the corner, we’d like to share just some of the reasons we’re grateful to the people...